

Lia Anderson is a black, female, homicide detective in LA, at the top of her game; until, on her birthday, her world is thrown into chaos with a new case, (the murder of a wealthy teenage girl,) a new partner, (who's gunning for her spot,) and a mysterious woman, (whom she believes killed her twin.) Detective Anderson daily relays to her therapist the details of her investigation while we watch it play out onscreen. The mystery behind the murder of Danielle Blackstone isn’t as simple a case to solve, as Anderson and her partner Harrison Torino fall down a rabbit hole of secrets and lies from the girl's friends, family, and teachers; with everyone fast becoming a suspect. Anderson isn’t sure if she’s even solved her own mystery as things begin to unravel with the Blackstone case, and her mind begins to play tricks on her, and us.


The Trap (Chrysalis)


Shattered Lenses